Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Horary Astrology: Champions League Semi-Final 2019 (Barcelona - Liverpool)

(this post contains affiliated links)

Hello Everyone! This one should be a little fun ☺️  Let's analyze a horary horoscope together!

I am interested in all types of oracles and divination methods, and lately I've been very much into horary astrology (or just "horary").
But what is horary? Horary Astrology is a branch of "Traditional Astrology". It's very simple and direct and has little to do with Modern astrology. In horary, the astrologer answers a question, using a horoscope (a map of the sky) constructed the moment the question was asked. If you are interested in the subject I can only recommend the following book by John Frawley: 
The Horary Textbook - Revised Edition

Horary is not about deep psychological analysis, but it's more general for questions about everything under the sun. (Should I sell my produce in the market today? Where is my dog? How will the weather be on Sunday? How will the football (soccer) match go?)

My boyfriend, being a huge football fan of course, asks me quite often this last question and yesterday was no exception.

On Tuesday 7 of May at 13:23 in Italy he asked:
"How will the Champions League game today will turn out?"
I asked in return: "Which team are you supporting?"
He said:  "I think Barcelona will win"
I asked again: "Ok, but who do you want to win with your heart?"
He said: "Liverpool!"

Question understood! Now let's make the chart:

If you know something about Astrology you will notice that modern planets are missing. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also, no asteroids and only major aspects. There are very good reasons for this but I might explain my personal relation with modern planets in another post. I'll just say that in my experience this very-slow-moving-not-visible planets do not exert any influence in every day events like the ones we try to explore in horary. There are also metaphysical reasons for this.

 For the Glory of God*

The question was directly asked to me by my boyfriend (the querent). The team his heart supports is Liverpool. With this information, I will assign "his team" (Liverpool) by the ruler of the Ascendant Leo, which is the Sun.
Barcelona will be represented by the ruler of the 7th house, the house of "enemies" (... but also the house of romantic partners. Isn't that fun? hah!) The cusp of the 7th house is in Aquarius, whose traditional ruler is Saturn.

The first thing that stands out in this chart is how close the sun is to the cusp of the 10th house. The 10th house is the house of the King. This means a crown which means a winner.

Second, you can see how Saturn (Barcelona) is sitting very comfortable in Capricorn which Saturn happens to also rule. This could in principle point to a team who is feeling very secure of their position and not willing to risk to much.

The last exciting thing is that Saturn and Sun are about to perfect an aspect, a Trine (120°). The Sun, sitting at around 16 degrees and Saturn is sitting at around 20 degrees. The Sun moves faster in the sky than Saturn. And they're approx. four degrees apart. Four ☺️ (you see where I'm going?) This means that the Sun is giving its best to cover this four degrees of separation. Since the speed of the Sun is larger than that of Saturn it is an "accidental dignity" and in the case of a sport where speed is also important,  it's a very good thing to have.

Taking all this aspects into consideration,  a veredict was made:

"The second half will be more interesting (Sun reaching cusp). Liverpool might score up to 4 gols "

The results of the game were very exciting. After the first half, Liverpool was 1-0 which is Ok, but not enough to get that place in the Final, Since Barcelona won 3-0 in the first round. The last 3 points were made in the second half, for a total of 4-0 for Liverpool in a very unexpected turn of events.

I'll just say that my boyfriends brains were blown away (and mine too!) because it seemed rather implausible. But, if it's written in the sky...  who are we to judge and doubt?  ðŸ˜‰

If you liked reading a horary let me know and I will include more charts like this (because it's fun!) or I could also just talk more about horary in general (but beware, I'm also learning! this is my latest hobby)
I wish you a lot of fun watching the semi-final today as well!

* I agree with John Frawley (who then credits John Lilly). In my Spiritual practice I am always grateful to the Great Architect and it is only through Him that we access this knowledge.